Fimo - ochre, transparent,  terra cotta
Sculpey - white
Artist's Chalk - ochre
Polymer Compound Resin (2-part kit such as Envirotex-lite)
Yellow Transparent Resin Dye
Ground Cinnamon
Fimo Matte Lacquer
Miniature Pie Tin
Paper Cup, Stirring Stick, Toothpicks
X-acto Knife
Mix pie crust color by kneading together a small amount of white Sculpey with just a bit of ochre Fimo.  Roll a ball sized to fit into your pie tin and to rise slightly above it.  Press in pie tin and shape top of pie toward center with your fingertips. Trim where necessary.  Cut the point off a toothpick and use this to flute the edges of your pie.  Cut five slits in top of pie with X-acto knife. 

Bake in oven at 250 degrees for 10 minutes.  While still warm, cut a piece out of pie (the size of two mini slices) with X-acto knife.  Set aside to cool.

To attain a "baked" pie look, rub on ochre artist's chalk, then paint pie with Fimo matte lacquer.

For Apple Pie Filling:

Knead a tiny bit of ochre Fimo into transparent Fimo and roll a snake about 1/16 inch in diameter.  Then roll about 8 tiny "raisins" from terra cotta Fimo.  Bake as above, then slice snake diagonally into apple slices.
Mary's Pie
by Mary Eccher  Page 2 of 3
Copyright © "Pannikins by Mary Eccher" - All Rights Reserved
Handcrafted Collectible Dollhouse Scale Miniature Foods, Beverages and Accessories
Member of CIMTA
I will celebrate your life for the rest of mine....